Tag: Cobra

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Mole Rat

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Mole Rat

    Cobra has always tried to develop an ultimate weapon to defeat G.I. Joe. We have seen them develop Weather Dominators, M.A.S.S. Devices, Battle Android Troopers and the many vehicles that Destro and M.A.R.S. churn out for them. They also tried weirder things, from mind control to bio-engineering a new leader. They’ve also fitted soldiers with cybernetics and…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tele-Viper and Cobra Flight Pod (Trubble Bubble)

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tele-Viper and Cobra Flight Pod (Trubble Bubble)

    G.I. Joe Classified is slowly adding to the list of vehicles it has in the line. While larger vehicles will probably stay Haslabs of Pulse exclusives, some smaller vehicles like the RAM and the COIL were released into stores (though they both were Target/TRU Canada exclusives.) Hasbro opted to release the Cobra Flight Pod through Hasbro Pulse…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series H.I.S.S Fire Team 788

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series H.I.S.S Fire Team 788

    Hasbro’s H.I.S.S. Tank set was probably the best G.I. Joe release of 2023. The vehicle and the figures came out perfectly, and the overall consensus was positive. Hasbro wanted to tap into that hype by releasing a related set through Hasbro Pulse. What would look better standing beside your H.I.S.S Tank but troops to support…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series H.I.S.S Tank (Haslab)

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series H.I.S.S Tank (Haslab)

    For the past few years, Hasbro has been doing crowd-funding campaigns for various toy lines. It would be for an oversized item, like a vehicle or a large (over 12 Inches) character. This would give them an idea of how much their fans would want the product and save money not putting it into production…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Crimson Strike Team

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Crimson Strike Team

    Things tend to look better in red, don’t you think? I mean, black is good but sometimes red does it better. A red corvette speeding down the road gets noticed. A woman in a sexy red dress tends to turn some heads. So, what about a ruthless terrorist organization determine to rule the world? Would they look good…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Range Viper

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Range Viper

    Cobra, with the lore of the G.I. Joe universe, is a formidable force. With an international reach, access to cutting edge weather dominating technology and thousands of willing soldiers, they are a threat to the entire world. Cobra is not afraid to innovate with its troops, developing the different Viper programs, from Alley to Techno-Vipers.…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series- Cobra Valkyries

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series- Cobra Valkyries

    We have talked about troop builders before and how they can build up your collection. We have also talked about how there are rarely any female troop builders, with Valaverse having the female Steel Brigade and Hasbro’s G.I. Joe having the female blue ninja. But G.I. Joe has always had army builders, especially when it…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Cobra Copperhead

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Cobra Copperhead

    The G.I. Joe Classified Series has been very successful, for the most part, in giving us updated versions of classic characters from the 1980s toy line. If there was one thing that the series lacked, it would be the vehicles. Besides the Cobra C.O.I.L or the R.A.M. cycle, there have not been any in-scale vehicles…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Retro Carded Crimson Guard

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Retro Carded Crimson Guard

    The G.I. Joe Classified Series has been slowly putting out retro carded figures exclusively at Wal-Mart for the past year. So far we had a single carded Baroness, a Lady Jay and Gung-Ho in classic-inspired colours. These were an excellent way to get characters that you might have missed before, though, again, a store exclusive.…

  • Review- G.I. Joe Classified Series Alley Viper

    Review- G.I. Joe Classified Series Alley Viper

    Sometimes, the paint design on a toy can look weird. I am not talking about smudges, but the choice of colour for a particular figure. Toys are (let’s face it) meant for children and bright colours attract their eyes. Applying this to a toy line like G.I. Joe can result in a character having a…