Tag: G.I. Joe Classified

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Mole Rat

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Mole Rat

    Cobra has always tried to develop an ultimate weapon to defeat G.I. Joe. We have seen them develop Weather Dominators, M.A.S.S. Devices, Battle Android Troopers and the many vehicles that Destro and M.A.R.S. churn out for them. They also tried weirder things, from mind control to bio-engineering a new leader. They’ve also fitted soldiers with cybernetics and…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tele-Viper and Cobra Flight Pod (Trubble Bubble)

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tele-Viper and Cobra Flight Pod (Trubble Bubble)

    G.I. Joe Classified is slowly adding to the list of vehicles it has in the line. While larger vehicles will probably stay Haslabs of Pulse exclusives, some smaller vehicles like the RAM and the COIL were released into stores (though they both were Target/TRU Canada exclusives.) Hasbro opted to release the Cobra Flight Pod through Hasbro Pulse…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tiger Force Duke and RAM

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tiger Force Duke and RAM

    In the toy industry, the repaint is king. You can take an already-made mould, slap another paint scheme on it, and you have a new product. Hasbro has always done this with G.I. Joe. In 1988 they used the Tiger Force subline to re-release figures and vehicles with a new paint scheme. The G.I Joe Classified Series is doing the same, sometimes releasing…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Clutch w/ V.A.M.P.

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Clutch w/ V.A.M.P.

    Hasbro has been taking its time getting out vehicles for the G.I. Joe Classified Series. They have to make sure that they can make something that the fans will like but at a reasonable price point. While larger and more complex items like the H.I.S.S and the Dragonfly went the Haslab route, smaller vehicles like…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series 60th Anniversary Action Soldier – Infantry

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series 60th Anniversary Action Soldier – Infantry

    2024 is the 60th anniversary of the G.I. Joe brand. Starting as twelve-inch figures with cloth clothing and exchangeable weapons and gear, it popularized the term “Action Figure” to avoid the term “doll” and market it to boys. Through the ’60s and ’70s, G.I. Joe went from a military team to an adventure team, with…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Mutt & Junkyard

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Mutt & Junkyard

    One of the unexpected surprises of the G.I. Joe Classified Series has been the animal companions with some of the figures. I don’t think anyone was expecting more than an unmovable plastic figure for the animals, but, except Shipwreck’s Polly, they went beyond what was expected. Spirit’s eagle had exchangeable wings. Timber was fully posable…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Jodie “Shooter” Craig

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Jodie “Shooter” Craig

    The G.I. Joe comic book series from Marvel was the main driving force behind the overall narrative of the toy line. It helped to introduce concepts and characters to the line and even created secondary characters When showing a panel displaying the names of the thirteen members of the original Joe team, you could see…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series General Clayton “Hawk” Abernathy

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series General Clayton “Hawk” Abernathy

    Any professional military organization would have a clear chain of command. There would be a leader who would lead them into battle and inspire them to victory. While Duke is the person that most think is the leader, he is only a Sergeant. Flint, who is Warrant Officer, outranks him. But the overall leader, the…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Shockwave

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Shockwave

    How hard is it to keep track of what you name your characters? There have been a few instances in which a company named a character but later on, lost the use of the name due to neglecting the copyright. Sometimes, a company will use a name in one toy line and then reuse it…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Chuckles

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Chuckles

    With over 150 characters in the G.I. Joe franchise, it is easy for some to be forgotten about. They might only get one figure and not even appear in the cartoon. Some do show up in the comics, and it is usually the comics where they get the most attention. A character like Chuckles, a…