Review: Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Athena and Eurayle (10th Anniversary)

Even though I don’t tend to collect 1:18 scale figures anymore, I still like the Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. line. Besides the last figure I reviewed back in 2020 (Darvold), I had picked up the Elf Queen and the female Knight of Accord after waiting years for them to come out (due to the Pandemic.) I lost track of the line for a wild, but I was pleasantly surprised that they’ve released another wave of figures in Series 2 as well as two sets of 10th anniversary figure for both Series 1 (Greeks and Gorgons) and Series 2 (Fantasy.) The two figures I picked up were Athena and Eurayle from the Greek and Gorgon line

Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S recently celebrated their 10th Anniversary (2013-2023.) The overall story is that, around the 5th Century BCE, the Gorgon Sisters, Stheno and Eurayle, waged war against the Greeks and their gods to get revenge for their sister, Medusa. The Gorgon army attacked during the Trojan War, Eurayle corrupted the hero Achilles, and, eventually, they stormed Mount Olympus and killed the gods. The goddess Athena managed to escape into the timestream but is stuck outside time.

Both Euryale and Athena are 1:18 scale figures. They are on the standard H.A.C.K. blank body. Athena’s head is wearing a gold helmet with a red crest with blonde hair poking out. Eurayle has dark green hair snake hair with dark lipstick on her lips. They are both wearing the same style of two-piece dress., with a V-neck top and a skirt. Athena’s dress has a gold top, a gold and white skirt and a gold belt with a turquoise stone. Eurayle’s dress is white with a grey belt with a red stone.

For accessories, Athena comes with a sword, a spear and a shield. The shield has a relief of Medusa’s head on it. She also comes with an owl, a chalice, and a spare head without the helmet on. Eurayle comes with two silver katars (a large push dagger.) Her other accessory is an extra head with her face twisted in rage and her snake hair up.

The Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. line are excellent figures. Both series are great though I do prefer the Fantasy line. The H.A.C.K.S. line has expanded to include licensed characters (Tarzan, Flash Gordan, and Zorro) and they are expanding into a line of 1:12 figures called Epic Hacks. Right now, it consists of various skeleton figures in themed outfits (cowboy, barbarian, reaper, etc), but they have a Red Sonja figure coming later this year.

Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Athena and Eurayle are available now.

This Review is for entertainment purposes only. I have not received anything from Bossfight Studio, Entertainment Earth or anyone else for this review. The item was purchased by myself with my own money. All opinions are mine and any pictures were taken by me and are for review purposes only.


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