Review: Masters of the Universe Masterverse- Masters of the Universe (Movie) Evil-Lyn

The Masters of the Universe movie, by all metrics, was a cheesy 1980s movie. Released in 1987, when the Master of the Universe toy line was struggling and the tie-in cartoon had run its course (and the She-Ra spinoff was doing the same,) it did the line no favours by setting most of the action on Earth and radically changing or replacing the look of iconic characters. Not all the new looks were bad though, as Frank Langella’s Skeletor still looked cool. Another character who stood out was Evil-Lyn. Played by Meg Foster, she was still Skeletor’s right-hand woman and by far the most competent of his underlings. Her outfit was also stunning, looking as sexy and evil as a villain in a PG kids movie could. Though she never got a figure based on this look in either the original toy line or any subsequent ones, the Masterverse has given us the movie Evil-Lyn we thought we never needed.

Evil-Lyn is one of Skeletor’s most dangerous servants. Always at his service, Evil-Lyn ensures his will is carried out. Her efforts and sacrifices are often dismissed by Skeletor, especially if she mostly succeeded but failed to do what he cannot seem to do himself; finish off He-Man once and for all.

The Movie Evil Lyn figure does a good job of capturing Meg Foster’s likeness. She is wearing a silver and purple headdress with a black skullcap underneath. She has on a light purple bodysuit under a silver and purple corset. She has an ankle-length purple skirt open in the front. There is a silver and purple buckle on the front of the skirt over her crotch. She has purple underwear over her body suit She is wearing black boots with silver and purple trim at the top. Finally, she has a purple cape with silver and purple shoulder pads.

Cosmic Key

For her articulation, her head is in a ball joint and can move around unhindered, but does not tilt much up and down, or side to side. Her arms are on ball joints with an upper arm swivel, single-jointed elbows, wrist swivel and hinged hands. She has no torso articulation, but her waist is on a ball joint. The legs are on the T-bar ball joint, with an upper thigh swivel, double knees, boot articulation, and rocker ankles.

Her accessories include a cosmic key from the movie, molded in translucent blue plastic. She has a set of open hands and the gripping hands on the figure.

With fellow movie character, Sauroid.

There have been quite a few figures based on the movie in the Masterverse line so far. We got Skeletor and He-Man first (with a horrid head on He-Man), so it’s good they are getting to other characters from the movie. The Masters of the Universe Classics line also had the movie He-Man and Skeletor, as well as Blade and Saurod (based on the figures in the original line) They also gave us Karg in both his comic book version and movie version. With the movie Beast Man just announced, there is a chance we’ll see Teela and Man-At-Arms.

All the Masterverse Evil Lynn so far.

The Masters of the Universe Masterverse Masters of the Universe (movie) Evil Lyn is out now in stores and online.

This Review is for entertainment purposes only. I have not received anything from Mattel, Entertainment Earth or anyone else for this review. The items were purchased by myself with my own money. All opinions are mine and any pictures were taken by me and are for review purposes only.


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