Category: 1980s

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tele-Viper and Cobra Flight Pod (Trubble Bubble)

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tele-Viper and Cobra Flight Pod (Trubble Bubble)

    G.I. Joe Classified is slowly adding to the list of vehicles it has in the line. While larger vehicles will probably stay Haslabs of Pulse exclusives, some smaller vehicles like the RAM and the COIL were released into stores (though they both were Target/TRU Canada exclusives.) Hasbro opted to release the Cobra Flight Pod through Hasbro Pulse…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tiger Force Duke and RAM

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Tiger Force Duke and RAM

    In the toy industry, the repaint is king. You can take an already-made mould, slap another paint scheme on it, and you have a new product. Hasbro has always done this with G.I. Joe. In 1988 they used the Tiger Force subline to re-release figures and vehicles with a new paint scheme. The G.I Joe Classified Series is doing the same, sometimes releasing…

  • Review: Masters of the Universe Masterverse- Masters of the Universe (Movie) Evil-Lyn

    Review: Masters of the Universe Masterverse- Masters of the Universe (Movie) Evil-Lyn

    The Masters of the Universe movie, by all metrics, was a cheesy 1980s movie. Released in 1987, when the Master of the Universe toy line was struggling and the tie-in cartoon had run its course (and the She-Ra spinoff was doing the same,) it did the line no favours by setting most of the action…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Clutch w/ V.A.M.P.

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Clutch w/ V.A.M.P.

    Hasbro has been taking its time getting out vehicles for the G.I. Joe Classified Series. They have to make sure that they can make something that the fans will like but at a reasonable price point. While larger and more complex items like the H.I.S.S and the Dragonfly went the Haslab route, smaller vehicles like…

  • Review: DC Multiverse McFarlane Collector Edition Captain Carrot

    Review: DC Multiverse McFarlane Collector Edition Captain Carrot

    Funny animals and comics have been connected since the beginning of the medium. The Scrooge McDuck books have to be some of the most influential, as his portrayal informed later cartoon adaptations of the characters. There were also funny animal superheroes, such as Hoppy the Marvel Bunny, an anthropomorphic counterpart to the original Captain Marvel.…

  • Review: Marvel Legends – Squadron Supreme Power Princess (Void BAF Wave)

    Review: Marvel Legends – Squadron Supreme Power Princess (Void BAF Wave)

    Do you ever wish for a DC and Marvel Comics collaborative toy line? Back in the 1970s, we had the MEGO’s 12-inch and 8-inch World’s Greatest Super Heroes line. There was even the smaller Pocket Heroes line. Sure, they both have their toy lines, but McFarlane’s DC Multiverse does not scale with Hasbro’s Marvel Legends,…

  • Review: Masters of the Universe Masterverse New Eternia Ram Man

    Review: Masters of the Universe Masterverse New Eternia Ram Man

    Masters of the Universe is known for the many different characters with on-the-nose names. You expect a man named Man-At-Arms to be a weapon master, a guy called Beast Man, to be a, well, a beast man, and a dude called Syclone to spin like a cyclone. Ran Man is another example. He rams, man.…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Mutt & Junkyard

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Mutt & Junkyard

    One of the unexpected surprises of the G.I. Joe Classified Series has been the animal companions with some of the figures. I don’t think anyone was expecting more than an unmovable plastic figure for the animals, but, except Shipwreck’s Polly, they went beyond what was expected. Spirit’s eagle had exchangeable wings. Timber was fully posable…

  • Review: Masters of the Universe Masterverse: New Adventures Slush Head

    Review: Masters of the Universe Masterverse: New Adventures Slush Head

    The New Adventures of He-Man was the first attempt to revive the Masters of the Universe toy line. The problem was that, besides He-Man and Skeletor, none of the original characters returned, besides cameos by the Sorceress and Teela. The one good thing was that some of the new characters, like the villainous Evil Mutants,…

  • Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Jodie “Shooter” Craig

    Review: G.I. Joe Classified Series Jodie “Shooter” Craig

    The G.I. Joe comic book series from Marvel was the main driving force behind the overall narrative of the toy line. It helped to introduce concepts and characters to the line and even created secondary characters When showing a panel displaying the names of the thirteen members of the original Joe team, you could see…